Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sin is Sin Right?

So for the past couple of months I've been spending a lot of time on the vigilant citizen message boards and I come across some people who just seem to think that they are the mouthpieces for God.

Why is it that some Christians feel that they need to judge people based on their sins. Shouldn't we pray for the sinners seeing as we are also sinners. It just makes me mad that people do this, I know it's judging on my part, but at the same time, some use the bible to justify judging people.

Put simply, I know it wasn't what Jesus wanted. I think he wanted us to love everyone no matter what (love the person, hate the sin). This whole issue of protesting the gays makes no sense. Why don't those same people get up and protest against ALL sin. Why don't they talk to the "gays" in a  peaceful, tolerant way?

We are not to be the judge of others sins, for we are supposed to avoid sin ourselves and ENCOURAGE others to. I have been called a 'fake' Christian because I beleive that the approach should be peaceful, rather than forceful. Does that make me wrong? I'm not denying Jesus or God, but my approach is much different than a lot. What is my turnover rate? I have no clue, but I do know that when you go about things the right way, you get better results.

I just can't wrap my head around how people don't get this. Why do they feel it THEIR job to point out sin in others but not look inwards and fix themselves! I am very much a sinner and I try my very best to do what's right, no matter what the consequences may be. Is my way wrong? I know it isn't.

I prayed and asked God to guide me on the proper path and help me do his will and not that of man's. Every time I read parts of the bible I do it with his guidance and he always points me to passages about peace, kindness, and humility. Isn't that what he truly wants? Wasn't he the one who said to turn the other cheek and basically said that we should be altruistic for our good deeds show our love and without love, we have nothing.

Here's to everyone out there that stands up for what is right. Keep it up, we may be belittled, we may be called fake, we may be called liars, but if we show the world love, then we are doing what is right. Peace and love all.