Thursday, June 14, 2012

Dream Come True

My eyes are mesmerized,
Each time I look at you,
I try so hard to find the words to say,
That describe accurately,
The love I have for you,
So today I am writing these lines,
To attempt to characterize these emotions,
That you are my world,
That these feelings are real,
I’ve never felt like this before,
Envision our future together.

One day I wish to call you mine,
Put a diamond ring around your finger,
Show our love for one another,
That no matter what trials we face,
Together we will remain,
United through God hand in hand,
Your love reminds me of how lucky I am,
That I have you in my life,
I thank God daily for blessing me with you,
Because being with you,
Is truly my dream come true.

I have always searched for love,
Searched for the one I would call “the one”,
To me you are my soul mate,
My gift from God,
An Angel of light,
A woman whose beauty rivals the ocean’s majesty,
Whose caring nature brings much joy,
A woman who gives without expectation,
A woman who loves me and my heart,
I hope that we will always share in each other’s thoughts,
That no matter the circumstance,
Nothing will be too difficult to overcome.

One day I wish to call you mine,
Put a diamond ring around your finger,
Show our love for one another,
That no matter what trials we face,
Together we will remain,
United through God hand in hand,
Your love reminds me of how lucky I am,
That I have you in my life,
I thank God daily for blessing me with you,
Because being with you,
Is truly my dream come true.

No matter how far you are,
No matter what we face,
I am yours and yours alone,
There is not another soul in this world that could replace
Nothing can stop this love,
There is no wall I won’t climb,
No storm I will not face,
No obstacle can impede me,
For one day we will be together again,
Just as sure as the sun will set,
And the moon will rise,
Will I be dedicated to you.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year, New Beginnings

Hello Digital Realm, friends and potential stalkers. Tis' a new year and with it comes new things. For me, this year will be one of uncertainty. At the same time I think it will be the best year yet. A lot has changed since this time last year!
For one, I'm in my second semester of of ECU. Last year this time I was waiting on a response on whether I was accepted here or not. I was also considering going to Ohio University if ECU denied me. I had a back up plan. As much as I miss my friends from back home, I am very glad I got into ECU. Being here has transformed me into a much better person and I haven't even been here all that long.

My grades last semester weren't where I wanted them to be, I got a 3.4, but I really wanted it to be at least a 3.5. So this semester I am going to work much harder and try to not miss class whatsoever. Even if I am feeling really tired. Danielle forcing herself to go to bed earlier will help me as I won't be hanging out with her late at night! Though I'm sure I'll still find a way to stay up such as now. I guess I am just a night owl. I function better at night better than I do in the morning.

Back to the changes in my life. I am much more physically active and my goal is to workout at least three times a week. I want to get into better shape, even though I'm in pretty considerable shape compared to my ENTIRE life haha. I'm working on building my endurance so I can run longer and faster. I am also trying to whip these abs into shape by planking like crazy. I'd love to have a six pack eventually, but I'd be fine with a flat defined stomach :)

Now for the biggest change. I have fully dedicated my life to pursuing the path God has laid out for me. I am a Christian and I am proud to declare it. I was not sure at first because of all the things that had happened to me as well as how I was treated, but I was inspired to be a Christian the way I was originally trying to be. I'm still working on being closer to God, but I know that I am well on my way. I have worked on studying and reading my bible more and I am trying to actively go to church. I even changed my work availability so that I could indeed go to church. I think this is for the best.

It's kind of odd that at this time last year, I was agnostic and against pretty much everything I believe in now. I feel it was just because I was bitter about my situation. I was lonely and depressed and felt as if I were being punished. I didn't stop talking to God however, I just stopped listening, that was the problem. That was a lot of the problem period for me. I decided that my wisdom greatly outweighed anyone else's. Kind of  being super stubborn in a way. I always learn the hard way, but I am hoping that has changed for me. I'm trying to act like the grown up I'm supposed to be.

It's been slow, but these changes have all added up and brought me to where I am now and I can gladly say I am very happy with it all. In April, I will be living in my first apartment. I'm quite excited as it has been a long time coming and will allow me to have a freedom I have yet to know. I think I am responsible enough NOW to handle such a luxury. I know God has blessed me since I changed my path in life. It's quite evident that his grace can reach anyone if it could reach someone like me. I mean, a few years ago I wouldn't write like I do now about Him.

Being in IV has been a blessing too. I have met a lot of cool people and I feel like it is only going to get better from here.

I just pray that I continue to walk the path God has laid for me. I'm working really hard and really trying to do what is right and I know that I have to keep leaving everything to God and placing all my trust in him. Much easier said than done, but he has always helped me to get where I need. Why should I still doubt him? So I am gonna keep on working harder towards that.